The candidacy of individual applicants shall be decided by the Executive Committee on the basis of their research achievements and/or employment as appropriate to the field. The annual due and voting rights applicable to each grade of membership may differ.

There shall be various grades of membership

"Honorary membership": The Executive Committee may confer honorary membership any person who, in its opinion, has rendered distinguished service to the science of Immunology or to the Society. Honorary members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Regular membership and shall not be required to pay annual subscription fees. At the discretion of the Governing Board, honorary membership may be conferred for a period or for life.

"Regular membership": This is open to all individuals actively associated with the application of Immunology and/or research and development in Immunology. Consideration shall be based on possession of postgraduate certificate in Immunology or at least, four (4) publications in any aspects of immunology with the applicant being the first author in at least, two (2) of the publications. Regular members shall be required to pay annual due.

"Student membership": This membership category is applicable only to postgraduate students in any immunology related fields. A student member shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Regular membership but is eligible to pay reduced annual due. A student member shall provide proof of studentship and attestation from his/her supervisor. Student membership shall last for the period of studentship only.
